
This section describes how Flexter currently allows logging features into its functioning.

While Flexter runs, it collects and displays relevant logs as a list of recorded events:

10:09:34.227 INFO Initialized in 3055 milliseconds

The above example shows the timestamp of the event, its level (in particular, INFO highlights a progress in the process) and the corresponding message.

Other levels you can see when executing Flexter:

- WARN if the application encountered a potentially harmful situation
- ERROR which highlights a possible cause of failure

Flexter logging is built on top of the Log4j APIs, a package which is freely distributed under the Apache Software License.

Its configuration can be specified in a file of properties stored as key-value pairs, e.g.

log4j2.properties (Spark 3.3 or higher)

rootLogger.level = warn
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = stdout
rootLogger.appenderRef.stderr.ref = stderr

log4j.properties (Spark 3.1-3.2)


You can customize this configuration using the -L parameter and pointing to the path of your log4j2.properties (Spark 3.3 or higher) or log4j.properties (Spark 3.1-3.2) file.

Log Levels in different sections

The log4 has 7 levels:

  • OFF: Disable the log entirely
  • FATAL: Prints the log when it finishes with a fatal error
  • ERROR: Prints other errors and fatal errors
  • WARN: Prints warnings, errors and fatal errors
  • INFO: Prints the info logs, errors, and fatal errors
  • DEBUG: Prints debug logs, info, errors and fatal errors
  • TRACE: Prints trace logs, debug, info, errors and fatal errors

With these options it’s possible to filter some Flexter logs i different sections, like below:

log4j2.properties (Spark 3.3 or higher)

rootLogger.level = warn
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = stdout
rootLogger.appenderRef.stderr.ref = stderr


logger.flexter_spark_metrics.name = io.sonra.flexter.spark.metrics
logger.flexter_spark_metrics.level = info
logger.flexter_spark_schema.name = io.sonra.flexter.spark.schema
logger.flexter_spark_schema.level = info
logger.flexter_spark_parser.name = io.sonra.flexter.spark.parser
logger.flexter_spark_parser.level = info
logger.flexter_xml_parser.name = io.sonra.flexter.xml.parser
logger.flexter_xml_parser.level = info
logger.flexter_json_parser.name = io.sonra.flexter.json.parser
logger.flexter_json_parser.level = info
logger.flexter.name = io.sonra.flexter
logger.flexter.level = info

log4j.properties (Spark 3.1-3.2)




The log4 has 7 levels:

  • io.sonra.flexter.spark.metrics: Messages when the –metrics parameter is on
  • io.sonra.flexter.spark.schema: Messages when the data flow (mapped schema) is loaded from Flexter metadata
  • io.sonra.flexter.spark.parser: Messages when Flexter is parsing the JSON/XML files
  • io.sonra.flexter.xml.parser: Messages when Flexter is parsing the XML files
  • io.sonra.flexter.json.parser: Messages when Flexter is parsing the JSON files
  • io.sonra.flexter: All messages related to Flexter

File output appender

At moment this feature only works for Spark 3.1-3.2.

To turn on generating log files:

log4j.properties (Spark 3.1-3.2)


As default, the files will be generated per job and into these possible locations:

1. /var/log/flexter
2. ~/.cache/flexter/log
3. %LOCALDATA%/flexter/log
4. ./

Other log4j appenders are available to for logging into files, like, RollingFileAppender and DailyRollingFileAppender more recommended to keep all jobs in the same log files.

SQL Commands

Another handy option is the -c/–commands parameter, whose setting can be used for debugging purposes. As a result, all the SQL commands will be exposed to the logs showing what is actually happening behind the scenes.

For instance:

10:09:34.227 INFO Initialized in 3055 milliseconds
10:09:34.232 INFO Parsing data
10:09:35.044 INFO calculating xpath statistics
INSERT INTO schma(sch_name, id_org) VALUES('donut', 1) ;

WITH rps AS (SELECT 20 AS jump) ,setget AS (SELECT jump ,setval('seq_du_stat', nextval('seq_du_stat')+jump-1) as end_id FROM rps) SELECT end_id-jump+1 AS begin_id FROM setget ;

10:09:40.996 INFO writing xpath statistics
batching 19 statements: 1: INSERT INTO "du_stat" ("du_addr","du_ns","id_du","id_parent_du","found_qty","found_ne_qty","max_length_char_num","numeric_max_decimal_precision","per_parent_min_occurs","per_parent_min_ne_occurs","per_parent_max_occurs","per_parent_max_ne_occurs","min_val","max_val","mixed_flg","id_du_stat","id_parent_du_stat","du_name","du_type_cd","stat_stdtype","datetime_field_ord","id_job","id_sch") VALUES ('/items/item/fillings/filling',NULL,NULL,NULL,7,0,0,NULL,3,0,4,0,NULL,NULL,false,3945823,3945822,'filling','e',NULL,NULL,16019,4639) 
2: INSERT INTO "du_stat" ("du_addr","du_ns","id_du","id_parent_du","found_qty","found_ne_qty","max_length_char_num","numeric_max_decimal_precision","per_parent_min_occurs","per_parent_min_ne_occurs","per_parent_max_occurs","per_parent_max_ne_occurs","min_val","max_val","mixed_flg","id_du_stat","id_parent_du_stat","du_name","du_type_cd","stat_stdtype","datetime_field_ord","id_job","id_sch") VALUES ('/items',NULL,NULL,NULL,1,0,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,false,3945820,NULL,'items','e',NULL,NULL,16019,4639)
10:09:43.252 INFO updating schema origin 4639
10:09:43.253 INFO calculating document statistics
10:09:44.879 INFO writing document statistics
batching 1 statements: 1: INSERT INTO "doc_stat" ("id_doc","id_doc32","id_doc_num","status_flg","du_addr_qty","converter_calls_qty","converter_errors_qty","converter_warns_qty","truncations_qty","empty_notnull_qty","missing_maps_qty","fks_qty","missing_fks_qty","parser_warns_qty","doc_size","id_job","id_sch") VALUES ('Documents/flexter/samples/donut.zip!/donut.xml','ter/samples/donut.zip!/donut.xml',NULL,'C',154,0,0,0,0,0,154,0,0,0,4644,16019,4639) ;