This module is used to generate download spark and its dependencies. It comes with xml2er, json2er or merge2er modules.

This module is unnecessary if the environment already have spark installed, like:

  • MapR distributions
  • HortonWorks distributions
  • Cloudera distributions
  • Custom installations


To get all the supported parameters the following command can be used:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -h


$ ~/.local/share/flexter/sbin/ -h

All the compatible paramters that can be used are listed:

Usage: /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ [OPTIONS] | <spark|hadoop|hive|dep> [OPTIONS]

-h                      print this message.

-f                      Force switch/installation.

-r                      Force re-installation.

-c                      CI/CD mode, preventing progress messages.

-v <SPARK_VERSION>      Spark version
                        default: 3.3.4

-b [hadoop]<SPARK_BIN>  Spark binary package option.
                        Ex: hadoop3.2, 3.2, hadoop3, 3 or without-hadoop
                        It also accepts to choose an specific hadoop version, which is downloaded
                        automatically with spark's without-hadoop package.
                        Ex: hadoop3.4.4, 3.4.4, hadoop3.2.0 or 3.2.0
                        default: hadoop3

-H <HADOOP_VERSION>     Hadoop binary package option.
                        default: 3.3.6

-w                      Spark binary package without-hadoop.

-V                      Download hive dependencies for spark without-hadoop.

-e                      Download hive package aside.

-E <HIVE_VERSION>       Download hive package aside version.
                        default: 2.3.9

-C                      Download Spark Hadoop Cloud dependencies.
                        includes: aws, azure, gcloud, openstack, tencent cos, aliyun and maybe more.

-a                      Download AWS dependencies (s3).

-z                      Download Azure dependencies (blob storage/datalake).

-s                      Download Snowflake dependencies (spark/jdbc).

-S <VERSION>            Spark Snowflake dependency version.

-g                      Download Google Cloud Storage dependency package (with-dependencies).

-G <VERSION>            Download Google Cloud Storage dependency version.

-q                      Download Google Cloud Big Query dependency.

-Q <VERSION>            Download Google Cloud Big Query dependency version.

-l                      Download Aliyun OSS dependencies

-o                      Download Tencent Cloud COS dependencies

-k                      Download Open Stack Cloud dependencies

-i                      Download Huawei Cloud OBS dependencies

-p <GROUP:NAME:VERSION> Download custom package. Same as "spark-submit --packages"

-R <REPOSITORY_URL>     Extra repositories for custom packages, comma separated.


spark [OPTIONS]         Download only spark package.

hadoop [OPTIONS]        Download only hadoop package.

hive [OPTIONS]          Download only hadoop package.

dep [OPTIONS]           Download only spark dependencies.


Ways to enforce an installation

Installing the default spark version, it there is no other version already installed. If there is a older version, or a external installation, it won’t do anything.

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/

Forcing installing the default spark version, even if there is a another version installed. If the version is already installed, it will switch the /usr/share/flexter/spark/default link to this version.

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -f

Forcing reinstalling a new version, downloading the packages again, even if the same or other version is installed.

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -r

Choosing a particular spark version

In some cases, the spark is released with some patches, or the server environment demands a particular spark version for other reasons.

In this case you can do as below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -v 3.3.4

Choosing a particular spark binary packages

Spark packages in each version comes in different builds. Like the version 3.1.x has

  • hadoop3.2: Embedded hadoop 3.2.x dependencies, the default.
  • hadoop2.7: Embedded hadoop 2.7.x dependencies.
  • without-hadoop: The spark will come without hadoop and hive at all. And it will download the default hadoop version and hive dependencies.
  • hadoop<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>: The spark will come without hadoop and hive at all. And it will download a particular hadoop version and hive dependencies.
  • <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>: Same as above.

In this case you can do as bellow:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -b hadoop3

If you choose the option without-hadoop, it will trigger a separated hadoop package downloading and hive dependencies.

Below tou can see the default approach:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -b without-hadoop


$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -w

You can also define a particular hadoop version to download together with spark (without-hadoop package) and hive dependencies

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -b hadoop3.3.6 


$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -b 3.3.6


$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -w -H 3.3.6

Downloading dependencies

Some dependencies already comes with hadoop, like aws and azure ones. But for spark with hadoop embedded packages, these ones aren’t available.

In the case like the without-hadoop spark package, there is no hive dependencies.

The is also capable to install other external dependencies that doesn’t come with spark and hadoop.

hive dependencies

It will be downloaded automatically if you had chosen to install the spark packages without hadoop, however, you can download it again using:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -V 

hadoop-aws dependencies

They come with hadoop package when it is download separated from spark, but if you wish to have it without a separated hadoop, you can do as below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -a 

hadoop-azure dependencies

They come with hadoop package when it is download separated from spark, but if you wish to have it without a separated hadoop, you can do as below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -z 

GCLoud dependencies

The latest Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery dependencies can be downloaded with the command below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -g 

However, if a particular version is required for both packages, they can be defined as below

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -G <GCS_CONNECTOR_HADOOP_VERSION> \

Snowflake dependencies

The latest versions of Snowflake spark and jdbc connectors can be downloaded with the command below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -s 

However, if a particular version is required, a particular spark snowflake connector version can be informed:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -S <SPARK-SNOWFLAKE_VERSION>

* The right jdbc driver which comes with the spark connector will be downloaded as well.

Custom dependencies

The same spark-submit --packages can be downloaded and installed permanently with the command below:

$ /usr/share/flexter/sbin/ -p <GROUP:NAME:VERSION>