Rest API

Flexter offers an option to run commands through Rest API. This option comes with Flexter-UI module and is disabled by default.

Enabling it

The change must be done at /usr/share/flexter/flexter-ui/conf/ or ~/share/flexter/flexter-ui/conf/ for non root installations.

Please set the cmd.enabled value as below:

cmd.enabled = true

And after that, please restart the flexterui-backend service:

systemctl restart flexterui-backend

Example job command:

Here an example of generating schema from xml, note that I use jq at the end to format the output.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST -d '{
}' http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/run/cmd | jq

And the related output:

  "error": false,
  "logPath": null,
  "cmds": [
    "xml2er -j 7"
  "jobs": [

Tracking the job status

You can also track status of the job calling:

curl http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/executions/get/7


curl http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/executions/get/7 | jq

And get as output:

  "params": "/usr/share/flexter/samples/donut.xml.gz -g 3",
  "status": "C",
  "host": "<HOSTNAME>/<IP_ADDRESS>",
  "parm_path_input": null,
  "id_org": 1,
  "base_path": "/",
  "id_app": "local-1674054248306",
  "id_lschma": 4,
  "start_date": 1674054245996,
  "os_user": "root",
  "id_sch": 11,
  "job_type": "Parse",
  "parm_path_output": null,
  "params_json": "{\"spark\": {\"master\": \"local[*]\"}, \"action\": {\"parsemode\": \"s\"}}",
  "msg_proc_qty": 0,
  "log_file": null,
  "id_parent_job": null,
  "end_date": 1674054257301,
  "id_job": 7

Example of a more complex job command

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST -d '{
}' http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/run/cmd | jq

Schema migration through Flexter API

Schema migration tool from flexchma package is now available through Flexter API urls:

  • /v2/schema/export
  • /v2/schema/import


To use schema migration tools 2 configuration must be set up properly: flexter.migration.binary - path to the binary flexter.migration.azcopy_binary - path to the azcopy utility (in case of using Azure Storage Account for import/export)

Default values are:


Default flexmeta connection parameters passed to the migration script (username and password) are used from the file, you must specify hostname and port (in case of non-default port 5432) in the requests.

Export schema

Request format

Example command through cURL

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "origin_id": "origin_id of the schema you want to export",
  "output_path": "path on the local file system where API is deployed, to which schema will be exported",
  "az_output_path": "https://<storage_account><container>/<path>/?<SAS_TOKEN>",
  "flexmeta_host": "localhost",
  "flexmeta_port": "5432",
  "flexmeta_user": "flex2er",
  "flexmeta_db": "x2er"
}' http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/schema/export

Note that in case of exporting schema to Azure Storage Account - az_output_path should end with trailing slash, before passing SAS Token

Also flexmeta_* parameters are optional, but must be submitted with the request if flexter metadata db is on the different host/container

You can also submit flexmeta_password parameter or control it through PGPASSWORD environment variable.

Response format

  "error": false,
  "az_output_path": "https://<storage_account><container>/<path>/"

error parameter in the response can be either:

  • true - which indicates some error happened during the exporting, full detailed log is printed in the API console, but not available over the response.
  • false - schema exported successfully

Import schema

Request format

Example command through cURL

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "input_path": "temporary path to store schema downloaded from adls",
  "az_input_path": "https://<storage_account><container>/<path>/?<SAS_TOKEN>",
  "flexmeta_host": "localhost",
  "flexmeta_port": "5432",
  "flexmeta_user": "flex2er",
  "flexmeta_db": "x2er"
}' http://<FLEXTER_UI_SERVER>:<PORT>/v2/schema/import

Note that in case of importing from Azure Storage Account - az_input_path should end with trailing slash, before passing SAS Token

Also flexmeta_* parameters are optional, but must be submitted with the request if flexter metadata db is on the different host/container

You can also submit flexmeta_password parameter or control it through PGPASSWORD environment variable.

Response format

  "error": false,
  "origin_ids": "710, 711"

error parameter in the response can be either:

  • true - which indicates some error happened during the importing, full detailed log is printed in the API console, but not available over the response.
  • false - schema exported successfully

origin_ids parameter contains origin ids under which new schema has been i

Reference files