Direct Installation

The manual installation refers to download the packages and install it directly in your own server(s)


  • OS: RedHat or compatible (CentOS, Oracle Linux, Fedora), Debian or compatible (Ubuntu)
  • Java: JDK 1.8 (Oracle or OpenJDK)
  • Memory: 16GB+
  • Metadata DB: PostgreSQL 12+
  • Spark: 3.1.x (for local mode it’s embedded)
  • YARN+HDFS: Hadoop 3.2+
  • Hadoop Tools: Hive: 2.1+, Impala
  • Ports open:
    • Flexter metastore - ports to PostgreSQL instance storing Flexter’s metastore. Not required if installed on the same machine as the Flexter processor. Usually 5432 (default).
    • Flexter UI
      • backend (default: 8081)
      • frontend (default: 9091)
    • Spark
      • Master - Web UI and job submissions (defaults: 8080, 7077)
      • Worker - WebUI (defaults: 7071)
      • Application WebUI/driver (default: 4040 and subsequent if multiple)
      • History Server (default: 18080)
    • HDFS (as per existing cluster configuration)
      • master node(s) (default: 8020/9000)
      • slave nodes(s) (default: 50010)
    • Hive (if used)
      • metastore (as per existing metastore configuration)


The Flexter download process.

Database Setup

The flexter database setup based on Official PostgreSQL documentation

Post Installation

The flexter post installation steps


The Flexter upgrade process.