
This module is used to generate a Data Flow from a Source Schema (XSD).


To get all the supported xsd2er parameters the following command can be used:

$ xsd2er --help

All the compatible paramters that can be used are listed:

  Usage: xsd2er [Options] [INPUT...]

  INPUT                           Files or directories input location path


  -h, --help


  # schema

  -x, --schema-origin ID          Schema Origin ID

  --schema-name NAME              Schema name

  -j, --job ID                    Job ID

  # input data

  -r, --root  ROOT,...            Process only requested root elements

  -R, --unref-root                Unreferenced elements will be considered roots

  -f, --file-root FILE,...        Process only requested root schema files

  -F, --unref-file-root           Unreferenced files will be considered root files

  -N, --with-target               Only files with target namespace will be considered

  -a, --use-stats ID,...          Use the stats to generate the new schema

  --archive-read                  Read archive files. zip, tar, jar, cpio, 7z...
                                  default: true

  --filter-content                Filter content, wrong bytes and charset detection
                                  default: true

  --detect-type                   Ignores non XSD files based on detected media type
                                  default: true

  # metadata

  -m, --meta URL                  JDBC location of metadata store
                                  default: jdbc:postgresql:x2er

  -u, --meta-user USER            Metadata user
                                  default: flex2er

  -p, --meta-password PASSWORD    Metadata password

  -B, --batchsize BATCHSIZE       Batch size to write into metadata
                                  default: 1000

  -g,--map MAPPING                 Mapping generating and optimization levels:
                                   - "": Disabled
                                   - 0: No optimized mapping
                                   - 1: Elevate optimization (1=1)
                                   - 2: Reference optimization (type="", ref="")
                                   - 3: Elevate + Reference optimization

  --name-max-len SIZE             Maximum column size for mapping generating
                                  default: 30

  --default-varchar-len LENGTH    Length of VARCHAR/CLOB datatype for mapping generation where not explicitly
                                  defined by XSD schema

  # actions

  -X, --xpath                     Print processed XPaths

  -z, --xpath-full                Print processed XPaths including attributes

  --levels LEVEL                  Recursive <TAG> levels treatment:
                                   - 0: Disabled, don't stop
                                   - <n>: Number of accepted recursions
                                  default: 1

  --levels-type LEVEL             Recursive <TAG> types levels treatment:
                                   - 0: Disabled, don't stop
                                   - <n>: Number of accepted recursions
                                  default: 2

--stop-policy POLICY            The stopping policy applied in case of a recursion:
                                   - [u]nlimited: Unlimited, keep forward until the end or the recursive levels limit
                                   - [s]top or 0: Stop immediately
                                   - +: Keep forward only with one-to-one parent/child relationships
                                   - +<n>: Keep forward only with one-to-one parent/child relationships, up to N child levels
                                   - <n>: skip N child levels before stop.
                                   - <n>+: skip N child levels before keeping forward with one-to-one only
                                   - <n>+<n> skip N child levels before keeping forward with one-to-one only, up to N child levels
                                  default: +

  -c, --commands                  Print SQL commands

  -s, --skip                      Skip to register and store processed XSD


  - Common case:

    xsd2er pathTo/schema.xsd

  - Print element xpaths and sql commands:

    xsd2er -Xc pathTo/schema.xsd

  - Print the full xpaths (elements and attributes), sql commands and skip
    to executed them into the output location:

    xsd2er -zs pathTo/schema.xsd

  - Process XSDs inside of directory, choose an unreferenced element to be the
    first and print the full xpaths:

    xsd2er -zR pathTo/dirWithXsds/

  -  Process two related schemas and define a element named root as the first

    xsd2er -r root pathTo/schema1.xsd pathTo/schema2.xsd