class utils.FlowHighSubmissionClass

json_message -Readonly property-

Return the parsed sql input in a JSON format

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB")
>>> fh.json_message


FlowHigh JSON message

'{  "version": "1.0",
	"status": "OK",
	"ts": "2023-01-25T18:44:58.692Z",
	"statement": [
        	"pos": "0-17",
        	"ds": [
                	"pos": "0-17",
               	"type": "root",
                	"subType": "inline",
                	"out": {
                    	"exprs": [
                            	"pos": "7-8",
                            	"refds": "TAB",
                           	"fullref": "TAB.*",
                            	"eltype": "asterisk"
                   	"derived": false,
                   	"eltype": "out"
               	"in": {
                   	"exprs": [
                            	"pos": "14-17",
                            	"type": "table",
                          	      "subType": "physical",
                           	"refds": "TAB",
                           	"fullref": "TAB",
                          	"out": {
                              	"derived": true,
                             	"eltype": "out"
                           	"eltype": "ds"
                  	"eltype": "in"
               	"eltype": "ds"
        	"antiPatterns": [
               	"type": "AP_05",
              	"pos": [
               	"eltype": "antiPattern"
       	"rawInput": "SELECT * FROM TAB",
        	"eltype": "statement"
	"eltype": "parSeQL"}'

xml_message -Readonly property-

Return the parsed sql input in XML format

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB")
>>> fh.xml_message


FlowHigh XML message

'<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\'?>\n<parSeQL version="1.0" status="OK" ts="2023-02-23T10:00:39.439Z">\n  <statements>\n	<statement pos="0-17">\n  	<ds pos="0-17" type="root" subType="inline">\n    	<out derived="false">\n      	<asterisk pos="7-8" refds="TAB" fullref="TAB.*"/>\n    	</out>\n    	<in>\n      	<ds pos="14-17" type="table" subType="physical" refds="TAB" fullref="TAB">\n        	<out derived="true"/>\n      	</ds>\n    	</in>\n  	</ds>\n  	<antiPatterns type="AP_05">\n    	<pos>7-8</pos>\n  	</antiPatterns>\n  	<rawInput>SELECT * FROM TAB</rawInput>\n	</statement>\n  </statements>\n</parSeQL>\n'

get_out_columns(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Get the set of columns returned by the input query


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB")
>>> [fh.get_out_columns(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the set of column returned by the input query

[[<flowhigh.model.Asterisk.Asterisk object at 0x7fadd0bb6970>]]

Roughly equivalent to:

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB")
>>> [fh.get_main_dataset(s).out.exprs for s in fh.get_statements()]

get_tables() from builtins.type

Returns the list of table used in the statement


Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT id FROM TAB GROUP BY 1")
>>> fh.get_tables()


the list of DBO objects representing a physical table

[<model.DBO.DBO object at 0x7fa2b5f31dc0>]

Roughly equivalent to:

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB")
>>> [dbo for dbo in fh.get_DBO_hierarchy() if dbo.type_ == "TABLE"]

get_table_columns(table: model.DBO) from builtins.type

Returns the list of attributes and expressions selected from the table


table: The DBO representing the physical table

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT id FROM TAB GROUP BY 1")
>>> [fh.get_table_columns(tab) for tab in fh.get_tables()]


The list of Attr and Expr selected from the table

[[<model.Attr.Attr object at 0x7f1b06d84fa0>]]

get_antipattern_of_statement(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Returns the Anti-patterns for a statement


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL
>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB GROUP BY 1")
>>> [fh.get_antipattern_of_statement(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the Anti-patterns found for the Statement object

[[<flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee95130>, <flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee952b0>]]

Roughly equivalent to:

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB GROUP BY 1")
>>> [s.antiPatterns for s in fh.get_statements()]

get_all_antipatterns() from builtins.type

Returns Anti-Patterns of all the statements

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB GROUP BY 1; SELECT * FROM TAB1 GROUP BY 1")
>>> fh.get_all_antipatterns()


the list of Anti-patterns in all the statements

[<flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee954f0>, <flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee953a0>, <flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee50220>, <flowhigh.model.AntiPattern.AntiPattern object at 0x7fb2bee50340>]

get_where_cols(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Returns the list of attributes used in any WHERE clause


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL 

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE ID = 1")
>>> [fh.get_where_cols(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the list of Attr used in filters

[<model.Attr.Attr object at 0x7fc3c2add070>]

Roughly equivalent to:

def get_where_cols(node: TreeNode, accum: List):
   if not node:
   if isinstance(node, Ds) and node.modifiers:
       cols = [self.find_descendants_of_type(f.op, (Attr,)) for f in node.modifiers
               if isinstance(f, Filter) and f.type_ == 'filtreg']
   for child in node.get_children():
       get_where_cols(child, accum)

get_having_cols(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Returns the list of attributes used in a HAVING clause


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL 

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT id, count(id) FROM TAB GROUP BY 1 HAVING count(id) > 1")
>>> [fh.get_having_cols(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the list of Attr used in HAVING clauses

[<model.Attr.Attr object at 0x7fc3c2add070>]

Roughly equivalent to:

def get_having_cols(node: TreeNode, accum: List):
   if not node:
   if isinstance(node, Ds) and node.modifiers:
      exprs = [f.op for f in node.modifiers if isinstance(f, Filter) and f.type_ == 'filtagg']
      for e in exprs:
          for attr in self.find_descendants_of_type(e, (Attr,)):
              if attr.attref:
   for child in node.get_children():
       get_having_cols(child, accum)

get_orderby_cols(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Returns the list of attributes used in ORDER BY


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT id FROM TAB ORDER BY 1")
>>> l = [fh.get_orderby_cols(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the list of Attr used in ORDER BY clauses

[<model.Attr.Attr object at 0x7fc3c2add070>]

get_groupby_cols(statement: model.Statement) from builtins.type

Returns the list of attributes used in GROUP BY


statement: The input statement object with the submitted SQL

Sample Usage

>>> from flowhigh.utils.converter import FlowHighSubmissionClass
>>> fh = FlowHighSubmissionClass.from_sql("SELECT id FROM TAB GROUP BY 1")
>>> [fh.get_groupby_cols(s) for s in fh.get_statements()]


the list of Attr objects used in GROUP BY clauses

[<model.Attr.Attr object at 0x7fc3c2add070>]